Living Conversation

ArtofLivingConversationLogoThis is a course of intimate Self-study through conversations focused on the central agency of Aliveness in each woman.  These ‘Living Conversations’ will be in 4 contexts featured in the film ‘The Heart to Lead. Women as Allies for the Greater Good.’

PART 1. (9:24 min of film) The whole big picture… Oneness, sovereignty, and the Mother Heart.

PART 2. (11:18 min of film) The whole woman… Both human and divine.

PART 3. (14:07 min of film) Navigating levels of wholeness… By letting go of our personal and cultural conditioning, moving toward ‘heart-knowingwithin.

PART 4. (6.28 min of film) Navigating levels of wholeness… By GOD-Mothering the divinity in one another, as pure Being for the greater good.

We begin with a pledge of alignment, that with deep intention, we step forward together.